United States

131. According to foreign media repocheap clothes rts, the British research firm Point Topic released Friday show that as at the end of the 8, the number of broadband users in China has reached 78 million, the number of broadband subscribers in the world than any other country. The number of broadband users in China was twice the growth rate, Point Topic CEO, Oliver Johnson, said: "This is a milestone in the manned spacecraft Shenzhou VII is certainly cause for concern, but with the market on the planet's largest wholesale designer clothes broadband users means more It will allow China to build a more modern high-tech economy. " In the second quarter, the number of new broadband subscribers in the second quarter from 3.4 million last year fell to 1.1 million the same periclothes online od, China added 3.5 million broadband users never grow to 500 million. To the end of June, the United States amounted to 76.9 million broadband subscribers. China's population is about 3 times more than the United States, therefore, China has become the world's largest broadband subscriber market is not surprising, but Point Topic noted that surprising that the growth rate of broadband users in the United States lags behind Europe and Asia, which will seriously affect the high-tech world of the fusport sunglassesture U.S. competitiveness. Point Topic believes that growth caused by lack of U.S. broadband users due to cheap designer clothes the lack of regulatory disadvantage, and competitive carriers, which leads to high prices, slow growth in the number of users. oakley sunglasses Point Topic also armani sunglasses believes that, in the broadband market more open, more competitive countries, broadband subscribers is growing.


Par ziu0ziu le jeudi 07 avril 2011


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